Simplify “Grand Bargain” to Pass Quickly

President Obama should link corporate tax cuts to eliminating tax loopholes only, not other spending initiatives. His spending ideas are well-intended, but they should be debated separately.

Infrastructure spending is essential and creates jobs, but it also adds deficits. The private sector ought to contribute to infrastructure investments, because they will benefit the most from these projects, and would complete the work sooner and at less cost.

The federal government must also encourage the private sector to invest in solar energy; wind power; and natural gas by selling permits to companies that wish to invest in these energy sources.

The president’s idea to help community colleges improve their job training programs is extremely important, but this measure should be included in education legislation.

The “Grand Bargain” must not be political or complicated: lower corporate tax rates and close tax loopholes to galvanize companies to invest their capital in America and create jobs!

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